Monday, 28 November 2011

Dieting - Are you Sure About that?

What then exactly is dieting?  As if we didn't already know!  But do we really......that is the question.
For myself I can personally say I've tried practically every so called diet available and all have left me in exactly the same body state...overweight, unfit and wishing there was something I could do about it.

You see half the problem is that the majority of diets currently available do not take into consideration the metabolic type of the individual.  So what is ones metabolic type you are probably asking?  It is as simple as this - some bodies handle certain foods better than others.  That is the truth of the matter.  You can check out the Blood type diet, the Paleo diet, the Diet Solution, you name it they all involve a subtle difference and that is what your own body will or not tolerate.  It is called a lifestyle eating plan.
OK so you'd like to disagree?  Well why not talk to all those people currently following a rigid Gluten Free way of eating.  Why not ask them if they feel any different avoiding eating certain foods.  They would most definitely tell you their bodies cannot handle wheat etc. 
That is why if you've been having the same problems as myself and after trying everything available why not look at the basic differneces between acid and alkaline foods.
It just might be what you need. Below are a few of the diets I've mentioned; feel free to browse through these books and see what might be the right way of eating for you., or check out my previous post and decide if you'd like to tweak your eating by trying the Acid/Alkaline connection.

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