Sunday 4 December 2011

Optimum Health with the Correct Diet

Alkaline Vs Acid Diet - How To Acquire Optimum Health With The Correct Diet

As time goes by, the concern of having a balanced pH condition of our body has been significant to most people. However, for people who are not yet informed about the importance of having it, then it is the right time for them to learn about it and acquire optimum health. So as to achieve it, we must know alkaline vs acid diet.

Many people have already been thankful of the benefits they have gotten from the alkaline diet. They are now truly enjoying a more fulfilling life. You too, can have an enjoyable life which is free from stress and illnesses.
Alkaline vs acid diet is a key to having a healthy lifestyle. But, we must familiarize ourselves with the alkaline foods and acid foods. In addition, we should also understand the concept behind acid and alkaline foods before we ever learn how to make a list of what we should eat.

For sure, some of us are having misconception that citrus fruits such as lemons belong to acid foods. Well, in fact lemon is categorized under alkaline foods. Acid food does not mean that it is acidic in nature, what we mean by acid foods are those acid forming foods, wherein when digested, acid residues are produced rather than alkaline ash. Lemon is considered as alkaline forming food because it produces an alkaline ash that neutralizes acids inside our body.

In order to obtain optimum health, the alkaline to acid ratio must be 4:1. It is not difficult to figure out how to have this ratio, since it will be easy to see from our plates and categorize the food that we have under alkaline or acid forming foods.

Alkaline foods are mostly fresh vegetables and fruits while red meats, rice, pastries and dairy products belong to acid forming foods. There are few vegetables and fruits that belong to acid foods. Some alkaline rich fruits are banana, apples, pineapple, lemons and watermelon. Vegetables like asparagus, cabbage, lettuce, onion, cauliflower, spinach, turnips are some examples of alkaline foods. Processed foods are considered acid forming foods so they are not good to our body.

It is important that we observe our eating habit and follow the right amounts of alkaline and acid foods that we should take in. In doing so, our body will have a maintained pH balance which will help our body cells to function well and will free us from unwanted diseases which lead us to living a sedentary life.

Let us not waste our time. Aim for a better life! We must aspire to live a youthful life and enjoy every day without a hassle.
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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Gift Cards - Handy any time of year.

Just thought I'd throw in a special gift for all you guys as it's fast coming up to Christmas.  Remember though that these Gift Cards are the perfect solution when you don't know what to give for that special occasion.

Books Online for Great Ideas.

If you're still undecided about how you should adjust your way of eating maybe you'd like to check out some more ideas online.

Monday 28 November 2011

Dieting - Are you Sure About that?

What then exactly is dieting?  As if we didn't already know!  But do we really......that is the question.
For myself I can personally say I've tried practically every so called diet available and all have left me in exactly the same body state...overweight, unfit and wishing there was something I could do about it.

You see half the problem is that the majority of diets currently available do not take into consideration the metabolic type of the individual.  So what is ones metabolic type you are probably asking?  It is as simple as this - some bodies handle certain foods better than others.  That is the truth of the matter.  You can check out the Blood type diet, the Paleo diet, the Diet Solution, you name it they all involve a subtle difference and that is what your own body will or not tolerate.  It is called a lifestyle eating plan.
OK so you'd like to disagree?  Well why not talk to all those people currently following a rigid Gluten Free way of eating.  Why not ask them if they feel any different avoiding eating certain foods.  They would most definitely tell you their bodies cannot handle wheat etc. 
That is why if you've been having the same problems as myself and after trying everything available why not look at the basic differneces between acid and alkaline foods.
It just might be what you need. Below are a few of the diets I've mentioned; feel free to browse through these books and see what might be the right way of eating for you., or check out my previous post and decide if you'd like to tweak your eating by trying the Acid/Alkaline connection.

Thursday 24 November 2011

What Exactly are Acid/Alkaline Foods?

I have recently come across an interesting fact, one that never really meant too much to me before.  All foods are either adic or alkaline and they both have a major effect on our constitution.  One unusual fact that I have discovered is that just because a food is considered acid it's not necessarily so.  Wow!  Imagine that, a lemon isn't acid at all, it's actually in the alkaline range of foods; that also applies to the lime.
Apparently the way we eat can have a significant affect on our digestion and you know what that means.  No more bloating, no more indegestion, no more heartburn.  It seems a very simple way to solve many of these problems that plague so many of us on a daily basis.  Yes I've just discovered that by altering a few of the foods we regularly consume we can dramatically improve our health.
So what are these major differences you might be asking?  Well think of our basic chicken which many of us consume regularly, who doesn't love chicken unless you're vegan or vegetarian.  This delicious dish is categorised in the acid list; who would have thought?  That also applies to the faithful banana.  I have always heard that the banana is a complete food containing almost every vitamin and mineral.  What more could one ask for especially with children who are fussy eaters. I know I for one enjoy eating a banana or any fruit for that matter.  So what's all that doing to my body you might be asking?  Not too much if some of these foods are eaten sparingly so let's not get carried away here.
I gather that some of the better items for our health live in the alkaline bracket.  Things like celery, almonds, green beans, cauliflower, carots, potatoes and tomatoes to name just a few.  Oh and by the way, if you eat an unripe banana then that is all right too.  Interesting facts wouldn't you agree?  But how many of us would really be prepared to forgo all the foods we've enjoyed for most of our lives?  Can you say sincerely that you'd be prepared to give up coffee, meat, fish, chocolate and that blissful glass of wine at the end of a busy day?  You've got a whole lot more willpower than me if you can.
So what does all this mean, do we go acid or alkaline to improve our health.  I would suggest it's like most things in life, follow this way of eating in moderation. If you suffer from serious health problems it could well be the right thing to do but if like most of us you simply wish to tweak the way we eat then check out the acid/alkaline dietand decide for yourself exactly which foods you're prepared to toss from your own personal daily diet.